Christ is risen!

Each year we go through Lent, remembering the path Jesus took that ended in Crucifixion. Traditionally we share thoughts about scripture in what we call "Lenten Studies". It is a time when we can share some of our close held beliefs with others of different branches of the Christian church. Towards the end of Lent we have Palm Sunday when the mood lightens to welcome Jesus on his way to Jerusalem.
In the Greek Orthodox Church they have two points in Lent where celebration is the tradition. Palm Sunday is one but at the very beginning of Lent they have a national holiday called Clean Monday. On this day they go outside to enjoy the fresh air and many fly kites. Others simply organise trips to lakes, mountains, seaside etc. This is in accordance with Jesus' words telling people not to go about sombrely with long faces to show they are fasting. Instead they are to carry on as normal because God, the one who needs to see the fasting, knows what they are doing.
But today we have the wonderful climax of Easter Day. This is the day when we have the greatest cause for celebration - the Resurrection of Jesus! We share the joy of the disciples when they heard the news and ran to the tomb for evidence. They had been feeling down and out as far as any mission was concerned. Everything had come to an end and they felt defeated with their Lord dead in a tomb. They fully expected to be next on the arrest list of the authorities as one by one they were declared followers of this cause.
Then they heard the most unbelievable news and it caused them to race to the tomb where Jesus' body had been laid. Before them was an astounding sight. The huge circular stone sealing the doorway to the tomb was on one side! Could the news be true? Was it possible that Jesus had the power to rise from the dead? Well, it could be because only a short time ago they had been there when Lazarus came back from the dead. But this was not Lazarus! This was the man who had called them from their daily work to follow him and help with the mission. This was the man they had seen cure the sick and the lame. So it might be true. They looked inside the cave tomb and saw - NOTHING! All that was there was the winding sheet, neatly folded away. WOW!
So where was the Saviour? They reassembled in the place they had left to go to the tomb and waited. Jesus just walked in even though the door was barred. He breathed on them and they knew he was alive. This was a unique experience. No one else had and would never witness what they saw before them. Here was evidence of resurrection. Here was the power of God mightily displayed.
Later that day some other supporters of Jesus were walking home towards Emmaus, talking about the events in Jerusalem. Like many other people who had seen Jesus at work they were disappointed at the outcome. Jesus joined them but they were so disappointed in what had happened they never looked to see this stranger who accompanied them along the road. As they walked along he explained how everything they had seen had been part of God's plan. Still they didn't recognise him. Being hospitable types they asked him in to have a meal with them and stay the night before continuing his journey the next day.
Everyone had sat down to the meal and they were looking forward to some food after this long day in Jerusalem. As guest, Jesus was invited to break bread and suddenly they recognised their guest. They were overjoyed and went wild to think they had entertained God's Son in their house. Wouldn't you? Jesus had left them but there was now so much more to excitedly talk about. After all, it wasn't everyday you shared a meal with such a person as Jesus.
Easter Day is a day when we celebrate like mad to show the world we have a Saviour who can make the difference that discouraged people need. He can pick you up and set you on a fantastic journey if you are prepared to say like Doubting Thomas, "My Lord and my God!"
Next week it will be Easter Day for our Greek Orthodox friends and as the day dawns just after midnight their priest will come to them and shout "Christos Anesti" and they will shout "Christos Anesti" back to him. The words simply say "Christ is Risen!" On their Easter Day they will be roasting the pascal lamb in pits specially dug. Fresh bread will be baking in the ovens and the atmosphere will be alive with the joy of resurrection. What a day for feasting!
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