Thoughts on Mothering Sunday

Today in church the Worship Group was in charge of the service. We decided to share with our friends our thoughts about the importance of the family. Three bible passages were highlighted: Moses in the bull rushes, Jesus aged 12 talking to the temple elders whilst his parents searched for him and Jesus on the cross giving his friend John to his mother, Mary.
The first reading was performed as a mime and showed Moses' mother ensuring her child would survive the mass slaughter by hiding him in a sealed basket in the rushes on the river side. She ensured that she would be the one to guide his very early years in the Hebrew tradition. her preference would normally be to keep him close to her and bring him up within the family. But the king of Egypt, fearful that the Israelites might one day outnumber the Egyptians, gave orders to destroy the infants. This woman was determined to save her baby and came up with a "cunning plan". In the event she was able to do what a mother does for her child until the time when he could be fully introduced into the royal household.
At the age of 12 Jesus was found to be missing on the long trek home from Jerusalem. Joseph and Mary were at their wits end. They thought he must have been with another branch of their family. Finding this was not the case they retraced their steps back as far as the Temple in Jerusalem. There he was, large as life, chatting seriously to the elders of the Temple. Chided by his parents for lingering and they not knowing where he was his reply was, "Where else would I be?" The fear of the missing child was replaced by the knowledge that even as early as this he was preparing for his future in God's mission.
The final scene was that of Jesus suffering on the cross. Despite the pain and the agony, he was concerned for his mother and gave her into the keeping of his beloved disciple. Note that his mother, his aunt, Mary the wife of Clopas and John were standing at the foot of the cross. It was a dangerous place to be for it suggested to the authorities that they were the supporters of this man condemned as a common criminal. They were taking a risk. I feel sure Mary was there to tell her son he would not die alone and that her love was with him to the very end. She too was supported by family and close friends.
Despite the agony he suffered he cared for his mother. He cares for us in just the same way. In giving John to Mary and Mary to John he was establishing a new family of which we are part. His mother would keep this in her heart the rest of her life. He was her first born and very precious. There she stood, pouring out her her mother-love as his life was slowly taken away. What greater love could she show at this time?
We, today, are the current members of his family. We are commended to show each other love to support and uphold us as we travel through life. We, not any single building, are the church of Jesus Christ on earth. Ours is a great family and one which is closely knit. Our care for one another is what supports and motivates us as we seek to share Jesus with the world around us. In that great family Jesus stands, not only as our Lord, but as our elder brother. His leadership role as elder brother takes through the divide between heaven and earth to the throne of God himself. dwelling in this family, what have we to fear?
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