Friday, April 06, 2007

The Crucifixion

Today we remember the ultimate sacrifice. It is Jesus on the Cross. He did not have to be there but he willingly allowed his own slow execution for the salvation of humankind. Isaac Watts wrote In his hymn "Love so amazing, so divine" and this is the absolute truth about it. As the rest of the world carries on enjoyiing Easter as a holiday, we in the church feel sadness and sorrow at what happened 2,000 years ago.

We cannot imagine a love so great as to provide the required sacrifice on our behalf. I suppose that if we had to be crucified then that sacrifice would not have been sufficient. It had to be God himself on the Cross to measure up to the level of sacrifice required. In other words, as Jesus realised in the Garden of Gethsemane, there was no other way. He had to give himself up to the chief priests and suffer death on a cross.

No matter who you are or where you stand as far as Christiianity is concerned, what was done on the Cross was done for you. You cannot escape this fact. Follow the ways of the world if you must but you cannot escape the fact that Jesus died for you.


Blogger Dupa Jasia said...

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