Thursday, January 26, 2006

The shape of things to come

Jesus and his three closest disciples, Peter, James and John, went up a mountain. While they were there Jesus appeared in glory. He shone, and his clothes shone. He was transfigured. The disciples fell asleep. How could they fall asleep when they were present on such an important occasion? I can tell you - it's very easy! I do it all the time!
When they awoke Jesus was speaking to two other figures - Moses and Elijah. Don't ask me how they knew who they were. Maybe they were introduced! But Jesus was discussing with these two historic figures his eventual end in Jerusalem. When he realised whose company he was in, Peter exc laimed, "Let's build three shelters to mark the place and the occasion!" This was how Peter alwats reacted to special occasions. He just blurted things out. There he was, in the presence of Israel's great lawgiver and greatest prophet at this special time.
Then into the frame came God in the form of a cloud that passed over them. They heard him affirming Jesus. "This is my beloved Son. Hear him." It was one thing to shine with all the glory he had, but to have God come and say His piece in affirmation, wow!! This was an incredibly crucial turning point. It was the point when Jesus knew for certain he would be taken and killed in Jerusalem. I am sure he really knew this all along but this day it was confirmed. So this was the moment when you and I had our lives taken over as Jesus accepted the way of the Cross.
The die was cast and there was a very real end in sight. Of course it was too much for the three friends to take in. But the seed had been sown, and they would piece it all together later as the Jerusalem events unfolded. A lot took place before the ride into Jerusalem that can be seen as a preparation for Jesus' followers. It was no good letting it all just fall upon them. There had to be a few clues laid in advance. Eventually they would say to themselves, "Of course! Now I realise!"
The resurrection of Lazarus was not a case of Jesus getting his friend back. It was a preparation for his own death and resurrection. It would help them understand later. So, you see, it was a teaching task too. Jesus had to approach the end in careful, specific stages in order not to lose his closest disciples through brain fatigue. These were the key evangelists of the future and he had to prepare them carefully for the task.
So, we can see that when Jesus gave up his life and then rose from the dead it was for us. Reading the preparation passages we can slowly get an understanding of what was happening and why. At that time there was a belief that because humankind were sinning, that is missing the mark, they would ultimately have to pay their debt to God. Jesus dying on the Cross was the ultimate and final payment which absolved humankind from ever having to pay for their sins. His resurrection was the supreme indication that we need have no worries. If he could rise from the dead then we could rest safe in the knowledge that our saviour was someone who could overcome any danger at all as we lived out our lives. If we had him on our side there were no worries because we had the very best "minder".
So, we have confidence that we can never be vanquished as we strive to follow Him and preach His word. Paul, in a message in Romans 8, says, "If God is on our side, who is against us? He did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all; how can he fail to lavish every other gift upon us?
Just listen to the obvious confidence in Paul as he writes this wonderful scripture. Paul knew, only too well, that, provided he stuck it out to the end, he would arrive eventually in paradise. Believe me, this is what is in store. Those who do not heed this will find out in the end that it would have been wiser to follow Jesus. It is obvious he is the one to follow. At the point when he died at Calvary the Temple curtain, closing the way into the holy of holies, was ripped in two. This was a symbol that showed that the way to God was now open.
Step through that archway in the company of Jesus and you will achieve your life's ambition - to see God face to face and dwell with him forever.


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