This is God's World
We now live in an educated society in which we are challenged to take care of the world in which we live. Right at the beginning of the creation story we have laid upon us the "duty of care" for everything in the world. Even atheists agree that we have this responsibility as humans. These are challenging days as we see problems facing humanity which we have the ability to correct and yet our leaders have not the capacity or will to take on the task.
Whilst this continues in the form of world political conversations the world is crying out for someone to take up its cause. Rain forests have been raped for their wood and trees and wild life have suffered much. Massive mudslides have occurred where hillsides are longer bound together with the roots of trees. People have been killed. Huge open cast mines have appeared with global dimensions to provide humankind with minerals. People have been thrown off their land and must seek new homes. Animals have been deprived of habitat with everything they need for survival.
As a child I used to wonder what would happen when the coal was all gone from beneath the ground. I never voiced these thoughts for fear of derision, yet today the answer is so clear. Those trees in South America have gone because of a worldwide demand for timber and the greed of the timber companies, happy to keep on ripping up the lungs of the world for profit. We then consider the whole area of climate change and can see a dreadful rise in sea levels if the climate continues to change because large companies and governments are too greedy to stop or slow down their activities.
I leave the arguments on scale to others, but I do see the importance of looking to do something as individuals to make even a small difference. Many forecasts look certain never to affect me but I have grandchildren who will be affected and this reminds me that I am responsible, within reasonable limits, for these and other future generations. Every time I say "it does not affect me" I am loading the burden on shoulders yet to come which must bear an even greater load than me.
In my favourite gospel passage Jesus says to Peter, "Simon Peter, do you love me?" The answer comes, "Yes, Lord, you know I love you!" Jesus simply says, "Then feed my sheep." This is our reminder that we are responsible for others and that we must see them as people to whom Jesus wishes us to go. That all life is sacred is not a new concept but many act as if it was never declared. In earlier years I remember the focus we placed on mission work. I accept that this is still with us and that the mission field still is our concern. But today, I believe that this mission field has expanded tremendously and includes new areas like the environment.
Cain asked God, "Am I my brother's keeper?" Well, the answer is simple and is "yes!" We are not be keepers like zoo keepers but to become carers - now that is a word all understand in 2010! We are called to care for our environment and all that is in it with us.
It is vital that we answer this call and campaign for world concern. If the seas rise then there will be millions of people in Bangladesh who will have to be relocated on a permanent basis. They are not the only ones for many others live in like areas. As rivers dry out many people will lose their cattle on which they depend for life itself. Where will they turn? Without expensive projects to protect them many people in the UK will be affected. The time is coming when the Thames Flood Barrier will have to be replaced! Think of those beautiful low lying islands where many people holiday. They will not exist! Without intervention, the world will suffer a great calamity and now is the time to set plans because tomorrow will be too late.
It is God's world we are talking about here and this tells the Christian that he has much work to do to save the planet. When Jesus said, "Feed my sheep" he meant go on feeding them, not bailing out when the cost becomes prohibitive. We have a continual and continuing task as Christians and we need to pray for the energy to pursue what are clearly objectives we need to recognise within the scope of our duty to God.